The Sceptre Operations Course is a modular 5–10-day course designed to provide foundational knowledge on effectively employing Sceptre and utilizing various features to exploit the radio frequency spectrum. Training will focus on Sceptre capabilities, workspace setup, hardware configuration, and utilization of native and compatible third-party plugins. Students will learn to configure multiple workspaces and create configuration files for various applications. The course combines classroom and real-world instruction, where students will utilize recordings and the live RF environment to conduct a variety of mission sets (ADS-B, AIS, DPTT Exploitation, Wide/Narrowband Recordings, Activity Detection, etc.). Students will learn when and how to use various plugins and conduct spectrum searches, surveys, and recordings. Additionally, they will learn how to identify and isolate signals for Level-1 analysis and reporting. Finally, students will cover post-mission procedures, data extraction, and system sanitization/shutdown procedures.